Essay Support
For 3 hours of support, includes:
Brainstorming & Topic Development
We’ll help you uncover meaningful experiences and craft compelling story ideas that highlight your unique voice and strengths.
Drafting & Feedback
Receive structured guidance as you draft your essays, with detailed feedback on content, structure, and clarity to ensure your writing is engaging and impactful.
Polishing & Final Review
Get expert-level editing for grammar, tone, and flow to refine your essays, making sure they are polished, authentic, and ready to impress admissions officers.
For 3 hours of support, includes:
Brainstorming & Topic Development
We’ll help you uncover meaningful experiences and craft compelling story ideas that highlight your unique voice and strengths.
Drafting & Feedback
Receive structured guidance as you draft your essays, with detailed feedback on content, structure, and clarity to ensure your writing is engaging and impactful.
Polishing & Final Review
Get expert-level editing for grammar, tone, and flow to refine your essays, making sure they are polished, authentic, and ready to impress admissions officers.
For 3 hours of support, includes:
Brainstorming & Topic Development
We’ll help you uncover meaningful experiences and craft compelling story ideas that highlight your unique voice and strengths.
Drafting & Feedback
Receive structured guidance as you draft your essays, with detailed feedback on content, structure, and clarity to ensure your writing is engaging and impactful.
Polishing & Final Review
Get expert-level editing for grammar, tone, and flow to refine your essays, making sure they are polished, authentic, and ready to impress admissions officers.